Incorporating Scoliosis-Specific Techniques in Chiropractic Practice

Incorporating Scoliosis-Specific Techniques in Chiropractic Practice

The management of scoliosis demands a comprehensive and personalised approach. For chiropractors, incorporating scoliosis-specific techniques into practice can help ensure the delivery of optimal care to patients, addressing their unique needs and maximising their overall quality of life. In this article, we delve into the importance of scoliosis-specific techniques and how to incorporate them into your chiropractic practice.

1. Understanding the Importance of Specific Techniques
Before we delve into the techniques, it's crucial to understand why they matter in scoliosis management. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional condition that affects more than just the lateral curvature of the spine. It can also cause rotational and sagittal plane abnormalities that necessitate a multi-faceted treatment approach.

The use of scoliosis-specific techniques, as opposed to more general approaches, enables a more targeted treatment, addressing the unique curve patterns and rotational aspects of each patient's scoliosis. This level of specificity can improve patient outcomes, slow curve progression, and enhance quality of life.

For an in-depth understanding of the nature of scoliosis, check out our articles on "Understanding Scoliosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Types" and "The Connection Between Scoliosis and Osteoporosis."

2. Incorporating the Schroth Method
The Schroth Method is a physiotherapeutic technique that involves specific exercises designed to stop the progression of scoliosis. The exercises aim to de-rotate, elongate, and stabilise the spine in a three-dimensional plane.

Chiropractors can incorporate these techniques into their practice, integrating them into a comprehensive care approach. For more information on the Schroth Method, refer to our article "Physical Therapy for Scoliosis: Techniques and Benefits."

3. Utilising Scoliosis-Specific Bracing
Chiropractors can play an instrumental role in managing scoliosis through the prescription and management of scoliosis-specific braces. Unlike standard braces, scoliosis-specific braces, such as the ScoliBrace, are designed with an over-corrective design that addresses the three-dimensional nature of the scoliosis curve.

The ScoliBrace, in particular, custom-made for each patient, offers superior results and patient comfort compared to conventional braces. Integrating this into your practice can significantly enhance your treatment outcomes. For more details about the benefits of the ScoliBrace, check our article on "Understanding the Different Types of Braces for Scoliosis."

If you would like to become a scolibrace referral centre then please reach out to and we can send you details. A pre-requisite is the Understanding Scoliosis course which is FREE and available by clicking the button below
4. Adopting the SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) Approach
The SEAS approach is an exercise-based method for managing scoliosis that chiropractors can adopt. It involves individualised exercises aimed at improving postural control and stability, reducing the risk of curve progression, and enhancing patient functionality.

Incorporating the SEAS approach into your chiropractic practice can provide a beneficial complement to other treatments. For more information about SEAS, read our article on "Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Scoliosis Symptoms."

5. Continuous Learning and Collaboration
Staying updated with the latest research and findings in scoliosis management is essential for providing the best care to your patients. Collaborating with other professionals, attending workshops and seminars, and keeping abreast with current literature can help you stay ahead in your practice.

Incorporating scoliosis-specific techniques into your chiropractic practice can enhance the level of care you provide to your patients, improve their outcomes, and elevate your practice. With ongoing learning and collaboration, you can continue to broaden your skill set and deliver excellent patient care.

6. Chiropractic adjusting technique
There is a wide variety of techniques used in our profession and we want to reassure you that regardless of the technique you are using you will be providing real benefit to your scoliosis patients. There are some specific techniques that have more scientific evidence to support their use in scoliosis, but perhaps this just means we need more research on the many other chiropractic techniques. CBP is the chiropractic technique with a considerable amount of evidence and its principles of 'mirror image adjusting' do fit well with scoliosis management and are similar to those used in the design of 3D scoliosis braces such as the ScoliBrace.

The initial goes of scoliosis management are to reduce symptoms and improve spinal mobility and i believe that whatever your preferred technique you will have this covered. In growing children and post menopausal women we are also worried about the progression of the curvature. In these groups we may need to prescribe a scoliBrace and it is vital that the patients spine is feeling better with more mobility in order to tolerate and brace: Especially in the older population where pain and stiffness are much more prevalent. 

So even if you are referring your patient to us for bracing co-management, the care that you provide in your clinic is vital to the success of the brace. 

If you would like more information on how to specifically manage scoliosis cases please click on the button above and register for our FREE CPD online course. 

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